You had your 2 month checkup last week and you are super duper healthy! Your sweet doctor couldn't get over how well you are doing and how much you have grown since you were born two short months ago. You now weigh 13 lb 12 oz (79%) and are 23.5 inches long (44%). Such a big boy! Getting your first big round of shots was no fun but you were a trooper!
Last night was a B.I.G. night for you! We dropped your 11p dreamfeed to see how you would do and you slept right on through. Pretty impressive for a little tyke who is only 11 weeks old! We are so proud of you! You are such a wonderful sleeper:) You and your brother both have spoiled us rotten with sleeping through the night super early! I missed waking you up last night for your bottle but I'm glad that I let you sleep;)
(Side story I don't want to forget...) On Easter Sunday, Daddy and I were sitting at the cafe at church while you were finishing your bottle. This precious little girl (maybe 13 or so) walked over and said, "I have a nickname for your baby." I was intrigued since I had never seen her before:). "Angel" she said, "because he looks like an angel." My heart melted just a tad. She was absolutely right. I'll call you 'angel' as long as you'll let me.
I'll leave you with a video of you and Caleb. Your big brother loves you to pieces and shows you everyday with hugs, kisses and sweet little talks. Every time you sneeze, cry or coo, Caleb comes rushing to your side. He adores you! You get so excited when he gives you attention.
Thank you for making the last two months so wonderful! We all love you to the moon and back, and we love having you as a part of our family! Sleep tight, Angel.
His baby talk is so precious!