
iPhone Pics

Jonathan recently updated my phone and downloaded all of my pictures. Now I have a million iPhone pictures to sort through. I'm sure a few of these are duplicates from previous posts. I thought I would post them in stages since there are so many. I don't think I've cleared pictures from my phone since I bought it in 2010. HA! Guess it's time.

My apologies for the blurriness!

Here are several from January-June 2011.

C, Zoe and Quincy
Sacked! Makeshift toddler bed until real bed arrived. He loved it!

Helping Daddy build flower box beds.

Sporting his cell phone case.

Spaghetti Night!

Cousin Nola came to visit!

Big buddy, Braxton.

My biking buddy.

Who says you can't put your toddler to work?

Caleb is a great house painter!

Enjoying a smoothie break with Cousin Luke.

Sonic date with Mommy.
No, he is not drinking Dr. Pepper!
All in good time. :)

Happy? I think so.

Yes, this deserved a picture. I should have taken a 'before' shot. The garage was out of control messy - SUCCESS, we did it! People say a messy garage is ok because it's not 'inside' your house. It's still a part of your house, people! Made me feel so good to get it clean:)

This one still melts my heart every time.

Get me away from these ladies!

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