We found out at our last appointment that we're having another boy, and we are overwhelmed with excitement! Caleb will love having a brother, and I can't wait to see them grow up together. Actually, I hope time doesn't go too quickly (but it always does, so we're prepared to soak up every second;).

Melt my heart.
When I was pregnant with Caleb, I was reminded of James 1:17 over and over.
"Every good and perfect gift is from above..."
Again, I think of this verse so often now that little brother is on the way.
I pray for our boys daily - that they will trust the Lord as their Savior one day.
I pray they have a close relationship with the Lord as well as with each other.
So many reasons to be thankful...little boys are such a blessing!
My heart is full.
We love you, little brother. We can't wait to hold you in our arms!
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