We missed Daddy but enjoyed lots of much-needed family time!
Here's a picture of Caleb swinging with Gigi and Bobo. One of C's favorite things to do at their house.
As of this weekend, I believe my Dad's grandfather name has been officially changed from Jojo to Bobo. Caleb has been calling him Bobo simply because he cannot get the 'j' sound out yet, but he says Bobo with such heart - I'm fairly certain he's won my Dad's heart over with that sweet voice saying "Hi Bobo!" They're big buddies.
Another picture of Dad flying. More pictures on earlier post "Blue Skies". I know Caleb will absolutely love flying with Bobo one day!
I know this picture looks extremely out of place! This is an air crane. When you walk in the hangar, it's obviously the first thing that catches your eye. It's massive! This picture doesn't do it justice. I'm thinking I'll be heading back down in a few weeks to watch this take off. I think it's pretty cool that it's being kept at the PB Airport for now.
It came home with us:) He loves it!
Uncle Win and his new Ducati.
Brave Gigi!
Maybe one day.
He was a fan of the slide however:)
We all congregated over at Nannie's house for a visit. More like a visit in shifts. Some were coming-some were going:) This is Caleb with his cousins Hutch and Nola. They are absolutely precious cousins and were so sweet to Caleb. You can see Nola is trying to calm Caleb down.
It was great getting to see Nannie at home!! She's recently had knee replacement surgery and is so happy to be in the comfort of her own home. We're all happy that she'll be pain-free now! All we need now is to photoshop little Evelyn in this picture, and we'll have a complete group of great-grands:) We missed you Evelyn!
Great time catching up with family!
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