
11 months and going strong!

I have really dropped the ball on getting Caleb's 11 month post up. I have made so many attempts to sit down and get it done but it has been one crazy-busy month! I know Jonathan is so tired of hearing me say, "I really need to sit down and get C's post done"! To say it's been a busy month just doesn't cut it. My mom told me that I'll be glad to see fall roll around because we have had so many summer plans and I'll be so ready to catch a break. I think she's right! ;) We have had a couple of day trips to the lake, planning / getting everyone packed for vacation (getting J and myself packed was a breeze compared to packing Caleb's stuff...whew!), planning C's birthday, plus a bunch of stuff around the house not really worth mentioning. Jonathan and I just took a super-relaxing vacation to Miami, and Caleb got to spend tons of QT with both sets of grandparents. He had a great time and was a super trooper! It was a great trip (one that we really needed!), but we missed our little guy so much. Getting that big boy hug when we picked him up melted my heart! 7 nights is a long time to be away from your little boy! We're already looking forward to next summer - it'll be our first family vacation. As for now, J and I feel rested and rejeuvenated!

Taken from the plane before we landed.

The water was amazing! No oil whatsoever...completely clear and blue!

Caleb will be 1 year old one week from tomorrow, so I HAD to get his 11 mo. "fun things" posted. He is growing and changing faster than I can keep up with actually. Every time we turn around he's doing something new. Baby talking a ton! Says a few words, but we feel he's about to really take off. Walking while holding our hands. Has taken a step on a couple different occasions but not interested in letting go just yet. Still crawling with the turbo boosters on...speedy gonzales!

Dancing is the new BIG thing around our house! When the music starts, Caleb starts moving and doesn't stop!

We're in the middle of switching over to whole milk and using sippy/straw cups full-time. Thanks to my good friend and partner in crime, Sam...we are tackling all of the baby hurdles together! It's so great having friends who are going through the same stages at the same time or who have gone through them recently. Thanks Sam for your great advice today! Caleb loves his new straw cups!

Fun things C is doing these days...clapping his hands, waving his arms in the air (directing his music while he dances), laughs so much as always, making his indian sounds, blowing raspberries, picking up his unwanted food from his tray and throwing it on the floor for Sully, playing with the dryer door, and the ongoing battle to claim the 3 remotes and cell phones once and for all! ;)

There are so many things I could add about this stage, but I'll save them for another day. G'nite sweet little love...can't believe you're growing up so fast! Hugs and eskimo kisses!

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